Get In Touch
Z-18, II Floor Zone-1, M.P. Nagar, Bhopal
[email protected]
Ph: +91-7869-073-707
Work Inquiries
[email protected]
Ph: +91-7554-002-699

company policy

Whistle Blower Policy

Prodigee Finance Limited (‘the Company’ or ‘Prodigee’) is committed to maintaining highest standards of ethics, honesty and integrity in all its acts and deeds which are relied upon by its investors, lenders, shareholders and other stakeholders.

The Company has laid down a set of code of conduct for all its employees and believes that it is important to prevent corruption, misuse of office property/powers, frauds, acts resulting in Financial Loss / Operational Risk, Loss of reputation, and any other such activity which is detrimental to its stakeholders’ interests.